Is it mandatory to include my son or daughter in Car Insurance ? This is a question asked by more than one client who contacts our Insurance Broker . And it is that, when contracting the Auto Insurance many people think that, under the coverage of the policy that we have signed, anyone who drives the insured vehicle is protected, and much more if it is from our own family.
Well read on and you will see that in this matter there are several nuances to consider.
The truth is that the Insurance coverage has its limits and one of those exceptions may be related to the people who get behind the wheel of the insured vehicle.
In principle, the drivers of the vehicle must be included in the contract, even if it is our children.
However, Car Insurance does not usually hinder the punctuality of the insured vehicle from being driven by other people who have a risk profile similar to that of the policyholder.
The problem is that, normally, in a family in which the Car Insurance is in the name of the father or the mother, the daughter or son are usually new or much younger drivers . It may not be so, but in most cases it does. And that is a problem.
Why is it important to know who is the driver of the insured car?
It is advisable to take a look at the limits to coverage, known as Insurance exclusions . We can find them in the conditions of the policy and, among them, it is probable that the Insurance coverage will be conditioned if the driver is one or the other person.
Driver exclusion coverage
This means that if the driver does not meet the requirements listed in the policy and suffers an accident with the vehicle, we may have a problem with the Insurance. Furthermore, there are insurers that specify in their condition the requirement that the driver be included in the policy to provide coverage in a claim.
There are also some that warn that some of the covers only cover main or occasional drivers, as well as the policyholder and the owner of the vehicle. There are even insurers that set coverage exclusions when driven by certain types of drivers .
As you can see, the insurer does not care much if the people who drive the insured car are from the same family, father and son, mother and daughter or vice versa. For them, two concepts that can be found in the contract conditions become relevant: the main driver and the occasional driver . And the risk profile presented by each one.
Main driver and occasional driver
For Auto Insurance , the primary driver is the person who is legally empowered to drive the insured vehicle. This could be the policyholder, the owner of the car, or another person who has the authorization of the owner of the car to drive it.
Of course, in the Car Insurance policy it must be reflected who is the main driver of the car within the particular conditions, since it can be relevant information when evaluating the risk and calculating the insurance premium.
Occasional drivers who use the car from time to time should also be included in the policy. The same car can have one or more occasional drivers, it is something that depends on each situation.
For example, in the Insurance that the delivery companies take out, it is important to establish the people who drive the commercial vehicles in the Fleet Insurance .
In any case, whether they are one or more drivers of the car, it is advisable to include them in the particular conditions of the Insurance .
If we have an incident and whoever drives the insured vehicle is recorded in the Car Insurance as a habitual or occasional driver, it is guaranteed that in the event of an accident the person who was behind the wheel is protected by the coverage of the policy.
Occasional Drivers and the Price of Auto Insurance
The price of Auto Insurance may also be affected by the inclusion of one or more occasional drivers. It is a risk that the insurance company assumes and that is reflected in the premium.
It is important to keep this in mind, because the increase in the price of Auto Insurance can be high and reach 50%. In this sense, you may be interested in this post about how the policy includes an occasional driver .
However, it is worthwhile to include occasional drivers in the policy so that they do not have problems when giving a part to the Insurance . Although, at the moment of truth, each insurer has a way of acting in these cases.
The advisory work of mediators can be of great help in determining which insurer is best for you if your car is used by several people.
In this sense, let me remind you that from our Brokerage we can help you in the processing of the policy and calculate the cheapest Car Insurance , even with one or more occasional drivers.
Is my child covered by Car Insurance?
Well, it depends. As we have already mentioned, the driver can be a risk factor for the insurer and this is usually reflected in the policy conditions.
The insurance contract establishes limits and exclusions to coverage in the event that the driver is not the person listed in the policy. And it is important to make sure that our son or daughter is not among them.
Drivers under 25 years old
Some companies do not cover claims where the car has young people as its occasional driver. It is the typical case of the family in which the son or daughter who has not yet been able to buy their own car sometimes drives the father's or mother's car.
In these cases, be careful. It is important to ensure that the policy will cover the occasional young driver in a claim. In case you are interested, in the blog we give some tips for young people who are going to insure their first car .
Drivers with less than 2 years of license
Lack of driving experience is penalized by insurers, who may veto these users as occasional drivers of an insured car.
Drivers younger than the primary driver
It may happen that the occasional driver of the car does not have the years of license that the policy holder treasures. In theory, the risk is higher if the driver has less experience.
Reckless drivers
This may seem obvious, but it is not: the Insurance does not cover drivers who do not comply with the most basic traffic regulations or suffer a claim under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
If your child - or anyone else you lend the car to - is not liable behind the wheel, the insurer will not cover any claims he has while driving your car. Look at this post about practices that Car Insurance does not cover and you will see that irresponsible behavior is outside the protection of any insurer.
In short, the advice we give to all parents who are wondering if they should include their daughter or son in Car Insurance is to be informed in advance of the options offered by your insurer.
In principle, it is always advisable to include all occasional drivers in the policy , although it is advisable to know the cost it will have and what limits the insurer establishes for a person with less experience to drive. Because perhaps it is time to change Car Insurance .