The Security Days is a form of insurance Vehicles that can be useful at times. The reason is simple: all motor vehicles must be insured to circulate, and there are situations in which it is necessary to take out Occasional Insurance that covers the vehicle for a few days or weeks. They are the Day Insurance and with them you can insure cars, trucks, motorcycles or vans, among others.

When we talk about Vehicle Insurance, the annual contracting policies that include Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance, along with other important coverage for vehicle protection, usually come to mind .

In fact, it is normal to subscribe an Insurance that is valid for 12 months and is renewable, unless the owner or the insurer decides to cancel the Vehicle Insurance .

However, there are products on the market that allow vehicles to be insured for periods of less than a year or even a month. Today you can take out a Day Insurance for the car that offers us coverage for terms much less than a year, as we will see.


A Day Insurance for cars is a Temporary Insurance that is characterized by offering coverage to the car for a period much less than a year.

The validity of the Car Insurance for days can be up to 90 days maximum and, within this limit, the flexibility of its contracting allows to establish the term of the policy coverage according to the needs of the policyholder.

Although they are not as well known by consumers, Day Insurance is becoming part of the offer of the main insurers who have seen this product as an insurance solution for various situations in which it is not possible to compensate or to purchase a policy. annual.

Apart from its short term and a significantly cheaper price, they do not differ much from the rest of Auto Insurance . Of course, there are some essential requirements to be able to contract these policies, such as being over 21 years of age and having more than 1 year of driving license.

These policies cover claims in the national territory and are also valid in other countries of the European Union, which is essential for some of the situations in which Day Insurance is necessary.


Regarding coverage, although they offer more basic protection, the truth is that Car Insurance for days is not limited only to Compulsory Civil Liability, but includes other guarantees that make it comparable to Extended Third Party Car Insurance. .

These are some guarantees that we can include in a provisional Insurance:

  • Compulsory Civil Liability
  • Voluntary Civil Responsibility
  • Legal defense
  • Driver insurance
  • Travel Assistance

In addition, you can not only take out Car Insurance for days. These temporary policies can also be used to insure trucks, vans or motorcycles, among other vehicles.


Securing trucks for a short period of time is also possible with these temporary policies.

Trucks must also be covered at all times with Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance , and not having the policy in force can carry a significant fine or worse consequences if there is an accident.

 The Security Days truck is an alternative that can take the trouble to a carrier if it expires your annual insurance and have no possibility of renewal. You can take out Provisional Truck Insurance until you have formalized the policy, so that the vehicle is not insured at any time.

With the Day Insurance you can insure trucks of all kinds, as well as tractor heads and trailers . However, trucks carrying dangerous goods are generally not accepted for this type of policy.

Otherwise, Day Truck Insurance is as versatile as auto insurance. They usually cover the basic coverages, since it is considered as provisional insurance, although there is the option of including additional guarantees such as Travel Assistance or Merchandise Insurance .

For a carrier, this policy is useful in case you need provisional insurance for the truck and you cannot formalize an annual policy. If the current policy expires just when you have to make a route abroad, a Day Insurance will allow you to circulate with your truck and not lose that order, since when you contract it you will receive the Green Card , essential for trucks that circulate abroad .


The vans are vehicles that can also be protected with Insurance Day. It does not matter whether it is a private van or a commercial vehicle, the reason why these Temporary Insurance for vans and vans are not affected by the type of vehicle.

For example, we may need a Van Insurance for days in the event that a commercial vehicle has to pass the ITV and is not yet insured or we need a policy to insure a van for sale during the days in which it is manages the operation and the relevant procedures are carried out.


The motorcycles and mopeds are very useful means of transport to get around the city, but are not exempt from the obligation to have a liability insurance mandatory . Without the necessary coverage, they cannot circulate legally, exposing themselves to heavy fines, or take steps such as passing the motorcycle's ITV .

The motorcycle insurance for days cover the specific need for mandatory coverage in terms of reduced time, as with cars, trucks and vans.

Furthermore, these provisional policies are similar to the Annual coverage insurance, with coverage such as Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance, Legal Defense coverage and Driver's Insurance .

In addition, there are daily Motorcycle Insurance for motorcycles and mopeds of practically all displacement, from machines of less than 50 cubic centimeters to motorcycles with more than 750 cc.


The Law in Spain regarding Vehicle Insurance is very clear when establishing that «every owner of motor vehicles that has his habitual parking in Spain is obliged to subscribe and keep in force an Insurance contract for each vehicle that he owns, that covers, up to the amount of the limits of the compulsory insurance, the Civil Liability ».

Any car, motorcycle, truck or van has the obligation to be insured with a policy that covers, as a minimum, the guarantee of Civil Liability against third parties. It is important to keep in mind that a vehicle is in circulation as long as it is not unsubscribed. It does not matter if the car is stopped for months: the legislation requires us to insure the car to circulate with it, even if it is a minimum journey.

This obligation generates situations in which a vehicle that does not have Insurance, needs compulsory coverage and it is not possible or convenient to contract a conventional policy.

Day insurance for cars and other vehicles is used on occasions that are more frequent than you might think. For example:


When buying a car or any other vehicle abroad or away from home, and it is necessary to travel with it on Spanish roads, a Day Insurance is necessary to cover the time it takes to bring it home and process the definitive Insurance .


It may be necessary to take out Insurance for Days in the case of wanting to sell a vehicle that, for whatever circumstances, has the Insurance expired .

To close the sale, it may be necessary to pass the ITV to the vehicle, so that the new buyer can insure it with his insurer. In this case, the Day Insurance allows the ITV to pass without problems.


If you rent a car or a van without Insurance to use it for a few days, we will need a Day Insurance to be able to circulate with them.


We may decide not to renew the insurance of a vehicle that we are going to cancel soon. In this case, a policy can be contracted for days that cover us until the moment of canceling the vehicle .


The owner of a vehicle that has been unused for years may decide to reuse it and register it. But for this, you must pass the ITV and a Day Insurance can cover the vehicle for the time necessary to carry out this management, before contracting an annual Insurance.


It is possible that, for whatever reason, the driver of a car has decided not to renew his policy and needs time to find better Insurance. The Day Insurance can cover a car once the policy expires and a new one is contracted.

In this sense, it is important to remember that, although insurers offer a one-month grace period to catch up on Insurance payments, any claim that occurs after the policy expires will not be covered.


As you will have seen, flexibility is the main advantage of Day Insurance , since it allows you to adapt the coverage period according to the needs of the client, without being obliged to pay for one year of Insurance.


Taking out Insurance for Days is the best alternative to meet the needs of those drivers who use a vehicle at very specific times or need Insurance to carry out very specific procedures, such as those we have seen previously. In these cases, taking out Temporary Insurance without having to assume the payment of an annual premium is ideal.


It is related to the previous ones, because paying only for the Insurance coverage for a few days or weeks allows significant savings compared to broader Insurance over time.

However, if we want to register and cancel the car several times throughout the year, it is likely that it will not be profitable for us. In that case, it is convenient to compare offers and take out cheap Car Insurance as an alternative.


As we have seen, the Day Insurance is valid for all types of vehicles and practically for all drivers, except for those under the age of 21 and those who have just obtained their driving license.

Also, taking out Car Insurance for days is as easy as using our comparator. You just have to leave us your information and we will find the policy as you need, in an agile and simple way.