Like all normal cars, classic cars must be insured. In Spain it is essential that any registered vehicle has a valid Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance and these very special cars are not exempt from this obligation. But Classic Car Insurance has somewhat different characteristics than normal passenger car policies, which we will analyze in this post.

Classic Car Insurance is necessary beyond the obligation to insure the vehicle to third parties. We are talking about authentic jewelery on wheels and, apart from the economic cost of repairing any damage to these vehicles, they are special cars for their sentimental value.

The third party insurance for classic cars cover damage caused to a third party in the event of an accident. But if we want it to also cover the damage caused to the vehicle or that may be suffered by the driver, we must contract other insurance and additional coverage .


Insuring a classic vehicle that can be considered a real gem on wheels is no joke. The risks they are exposed to are real and can cause significant expense to homeowners. In addition, the driver of a classic must respond for the damage caused in an accident in the same way as anyone who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Furthermore, classic cars can not only suffer damage and mishaps while driving, but can also have an incident while parked. 

These cars are often exhibited at various fairs and concentrations of vintage cars , and this involves some risk. During the transfer from one event to another they may suffer a blow that, although small, is costly to repair. With adequate insurance, this type of incident can be covered by the policy.


First of all we must know which cars are considered classic cars. Many people confuse classics with vintage cars . Not all more or less old cars are classic. A classic car is considered to be one that is over 25 years old from its manufacture. In this way, if you have a car that was registered in the late 80s it may be a classic.

That said, it is important to note that the consideration of whether a car is classic or not can vary depending on the insurer, since there are insurers that insure vehicles with 20 years old as classic cars. For this reason, it is advisable to consult it before purchasing Classic Car Insurance .

However, the age of the car is an important factor and has tax effects for the Public Administration. In this way, cars that are older than 25 years are considered classic, although some limited-edition vehicles or that are part of an exclusive collection of vehicles that are unique due to their characteristics are also considered as such, although they have not complied such seniority. 


There are also cars that are considered classic because they are included in the General Inventory of Movable Property of Spanish Historical Heritage, since they are declared of cultural interest because they have belonged to some relevant personality or have been part of a historical event, although these cars are usually in the museums.

The latter should not be confused with those classified as historical cars . Historic cars meet the conditions to be a classic and, in addition, carry a license plate that accredits them as such.

For this, the car must be appraised in a laboratory whose report will be sent to the competent Autonomous Administration where its cataloging will be evaluated, taking into account that report and the requested vehicle documentation. After passing the ITV, it will be at the Traffic Headquarters where it is registered as historical.


The truth is that not all Insurance companies offer the same coverage in their offer of Classic Car Insurance . There are a variety of offers and each insurer offers guarantees with certain conditions. However, the most common coverages that we can find for this type of policy are:


  • Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance : Third Party Insurance cannot be absent when insuring a classic vehicle, even in the most basic Insurance for these cars.
  • Driver's Insurance: Driver's accident coverage is always convenient, even when driving a classic car. In this blog we tell you more about Driver's Insurance .
  • Window protection, breakage and replacement insurance: When we get behind the wheel of a relic on wheels, caring for the windows is more important. The glass coverage should be included in our policy when insuring a classic vehicle.
  • Insurance against fire, theft or other criminal acts: If we really appreciate our car, insuring it against the possibility that it may be damaged by a fire or lose it as a result of theft is not an option.
  • Legal defense: It is normal for the insurer to include Legal defense coverage in the policy. If you want to know how this coverage works, you have more information in this post .
  • Travel assistance: In classic cars it is an essential guarantee. It is common that cars with many years of operation and kilometers behind them have a breakdown that leaves us lying on the road. The Insurance Travel Asisntencia can help us in these cases.
  • Full Risk Insurance: The Own Damage guarantee for classic cars is highly indicated, although the price of the policy increases. Damage caused to such a vehicle can be expensive to repair.

Knowing the insurance guarantees for your Classic Car, you will have to compare the proposals of different companies to assess which one offers you the most adequate coverage and the most interesting price. In that sense, the advice of an Insurance broker can be of great help. In our online comparator you can take out Auto Insurance for a classic car with the advice of our team of insurance experts, who will accompany you in contracting the policy and answer any questions that may arise.


When looking for insurance for a classic car, keep in mind that these policies are somewhat special. Insurers calculate the risks of these vehicles, considering aspects that in other types of Auto Insurance are not as relevant.

The first of them is that the car is indeed a classic. These Classic Car Insurance exclusively cover cars with more than 20 or 25 years since their registration and that comply with the characteristics of this type of vehicle.

But there are more points to consider, since the insurer is going to cover a small car gem. In fact, in some insurers it is a requirement to give the green light to the Insurance that the owner meets a series of conditions. If we do not comply, we would have to find another insurer for our classic car. These are the main requirements to insure a classic car .

For example, when insuring a classic car, the mileage that the owner makes with the vehicle each year has great relevance. It is considered that the use of a classic is not the same that we give to a normal and ordinary utility vehicle, and one way to control this risk is to limit the number of kilometers that the policy of that car covers.

The limit of kilometers that the Insurance would cover us comes in the conditions of the contract, and can be around 5,000 kilometers per year. If the kilometer limit per year has been exceeded, the company can reject the claim and not provide coverage to the insured, even though the policy annuity has not been met.


Another condition that the insurer can put to insure this type of car is that the insured classic be kept in a garage. It is a condition of the Insurance, but it is also usual among classic car owners to have a garage where these little gems on wheels can rest.

Another requirement that the owner of these cars can find is that the Insurance only covers the car on weekends and holidays, or because of concentrations of old cars that are so common during the spring and summer months.


Such "delicate" cars cannot be put in the hands of anyone. This is understood by insurers, which usually impose as a requirement to insure a classic vehicle that the driver is over 25 years old (or even older) and has more than 2 or 3 years of experience with the driving license.


Another way to limit the risks and ensure that the owner is not going to use the classic car as if it were a normal car, is to establish as a requirement that the insured already have another car in his name, for daily use.

It is a condition that is related to the use that classic car owners make of these special vehicles. None of them would think of going to work every day with a collector car. But when it comes to insuring it, the owner will have to prove that he has a regular vehicle for daily use, in addition to the classic Insurance car.


Finally, we recommend that you have good advice when insuring such a special car. From our online insurance comparator you can get Classic Car Insurance , with the experience and advice of experts in insuring vehicles.

You may need a policy for a really special classic vehicle and can't find the right policy for that gem on wheels. In that case, contact our online insurance brokerage and we will find the tailor-made insurance for your exclusive car.